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Story Mode Script.doc
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Mortal Kombat Game Script Guide Version 1.00

Completed on 21st May 2011

Written by Minty Fresh Death




(1) Table of Contents

(2) Introduction

(2A) Version Updates

(2B) Preface and Legalities

(3) The Game Script

(3A) Navigation

(3B) General Information

(3C) Intro

(3D) Chapter 1: Johnny Cage

(3E) Chapter 2: Sonya Blade

(3F) Chapter 3: Scorpion

(3G) Chapter 4: Cyrax

(3H) Chapter 5: Liu Kang

(3I) Chapter 6: Jax

(3J) Chapter 7: Smoke

(3K) Chapter 8: Sub-Zero

(3L) Chapter 9: Kitana

(3M) Chapter 10: Jade

(3N) Chapter 11: Kung Lao

(3O) Chapter 12: Stryker

(3P) Chapter 13: Kabal

(3Q) Chapter 14: Cyber Sub-Zero

(3R) Chapter 15: Nightwolf

(3S) Chapter 16: Raiden

(4) Frequently Asked Questions

(5) The Final Word (Thanks Section)







1.00 - The very first version. Updates to come. Maybe. :D




Yo there. After feeling bored one Tuesday night (which seems to

be the story of all the FAQs I've ever written) I decided to

write up a guide to the game script for the latest game in Netherrealm

Studio's Mortal Kombat series, titled... Mortal Kombat. My reasoning

for this is born out of an appreciation for the effort the game

designers went to in order to produce quite possibly the greatest

story for a fighting game ever written. So far. :)

This version of the Mortal Kombat Game Script (Version 1.00)

is exclusive to GameFAQs.

You are NOT allowed to post any version of this guide on any

other websites WITHOUT my given permission. My e-mail is under

"The Final Word" section if you wish to contact me. You also may

NOT copy any of the things you see in any version of this guide

and stick it into your own. You are also not allowed to plaguerise

any versions of this guide (don't steal the information and type

it up in your own way) and you are NOT allowed to use it in any

way to gain profit.

This guide is not property of Warner Bros or Netherrealm Studios and

is not written or supported by them.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are

owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.

Copyright 2011 by Dan Gallagher, AKA Minty Fresh Death.







As you may have already seen in the contents page, all of the chapters

contained in this script are numbered. If you want to zip to a chapter,

highlight the number/letter combination of your chapter from the

contents page, right click your mouse and select the "Copy" option, click

the "Edit" tab at the top of your browser and select "Find". Once you

have the small window up, right click and select "Paste", then finally

select "Find Next" to go to your desired location.

Alternatively, you may have a "Find" option as a magnifying glass icon

in the top left of your browser. Copy your text, then select the tab next

to the icon, then "Find on this page" and paste it into the window and

click "Next". Simple enough, really.




Thanks to this game having a linear story path, everything written is

presented in chronological order. However, whenever the story switches

into an in-game battle, it is denoted by the phrase "They fight."

This is followed up with a brief paragraph of who overpowers who and

defeats them. Any specific descriptions of a brawl (ie "Scorpion

grabs Sub-Zero") should be considered part of a cutscene rather than

an in-game fight.

Being from the UK, I check my spelling from the Oxford Dictionary, so

any spellings you see here which may seem incorrect are most likely

consistent with English rather than American (ie "colour" instead of

"color".) Of course, if I have spelled something wrong here in English,

feel free to e-mail me to point it out. But don't bother if I've

spelt a word that normally begins with "c" with a "k", for obvious

reasons. :)

For those who've played the game with subtitles on, you may notice some

differences in this script compared with the subtitles you read in-game,

which outside of the UK / US spelling differences mostly occurs in

dealing with punctuation. This was deliberate in my part, in order to

more accurately convey what is being spoken and shown. This is strictly

my opinion, which you are welcome to agree or disagree with. If you really

wanna talk with me about it, shoot me an e-mail.

When speaking, characters are denoted by their names given in-game either

by the chapter they star in or by the announcer, (ie Sonya, not Sonya

Blade.) In description, their name may switch. For easy reference, here

Is a brief (but not exclusive) list of character's real names and / or

aliases (nicknames not included for the sake of my sanity).

Scorpion - Hanzo Hasashi

Sub-Zero (The Elder) - Bi-Han

Sub-Zero (The Younger) - Kuai Liang

Johnny Cage - John Carlton

Smoke - Tomas Vrbada

Jax - Jackson Briggs

Raiden - Haokah (The spirit of thunder and lightning in Lakota mythology)




Across a black screen, the following words are displayed.


As those words fade out, the camera fades in to the Edenian Wasteland.

More words appear on the screen.


They fade out. Vultures are flying overhead the rocky landscape as the

title screen appears.


As the title fades away, a vulture pops up in front of the camera, it's

beak bloodied from feasting on an unseen carcass. The camera pans around

the wasteland. Kung Lao's dead body is shown crushed underneath a

skeletal hand presumably summoned by Shinnok (or more specifcally, his

clone). Kitana's bloodied hand lies next to him.

Scorpion's kunai is buried point deep in the ground - he himself has been

impaled upon Sub-Zero's ice blade. Behind him, Hotaru's body is slack in

a seated position, and many other kombatants lie dead, one with a sword

impaled in them, another (Li Mei) upright and impaled on a naginata.

Baraka is propped up against a rock in two pieces; Kung Lao's hat has split

him in half across his face and chest. In the background, one of his arms

(or more specifically, the blade in it) is impaled in the back of Sub-Zero.

Johnny Cage's glasses have broken and fallen from his face, and Cage's head

is missing from the rest of his body. The vulture is shown again, feasting

on the intestines of Sonya Blade, who has been sliced in two across her

abdomen. Another vulture flies in and pushes the first off the carcass.

The first vulture flies off and the camera pans to follow it's flight across

towards the Armageddon pyramid. Reptile, a bloodied skeleton and an

unidentified ninja lie dead before it, as well as an impaled Jax in the

background, and the camera pans up the pyramid to follow more bodies.

Bo Rai Cho and Cyrax, Nightwolf and Sheeva (with one of Nightwolf's

arrows in her side), Kabal (with a vulture feeding on his corpse), Sektor,

Kenshi and Mileena. As the camera moves up to Quan Chi's dead body, the

sounds of a struggle can be heard. These sounds continue as the camera

pans up to the bodies of the zombified Liu Kang and Shang Tsung, reaching

the top of the pyramid.

The fire that was once Blaze still burns across the pyramid top. The

camera cuts to Raiden falling on the floor, his hat falling off his head as

he does so. His red eyes struggle to focus and he tries to sit up to face his

tormentor, Shao Kahn.

SHAO KAHN: Where are the Elder Gods, Raiden?

Kahn laughs as he stalks toward his long time enemy and picks him up.

SHAO KAHN: Their pathetic Mortal Kombat shackles me no longer.

He methodically pounds Raiden across the face several times and throws him

across the pyramid top. In mid-flight, an amulet on Raiden's chest falls off

and shatters into several pieces. Raiden crashes onto the floor a moment

later. Kahn draws his hammer, which pulses with magical energy.

SHAO KAHN: They masquerade as dragons, but are mere toothless worms.

As Raiden rolls over, Kahn slams his boot into Raiden's chest.

SHAO KAHN: My venom spreads. It is the end of all things.

His hammer now glows with a flaming essence. Kahn himself glows the same

essence, and it is clear he has absorbed the godlike power of Blaze.

SHAO KAHN: Armageddon.


SHAO KAHN: It is done.

Kahn picks Raiden up once more.

SHAO KAHN: Your time has passed.

He throws Raiden aside again. Raiden once more struggles to pull himself up.

SHAO KAHN: Ages wasted in foolish resistance.

Raiden spots the broken amulet.

SHAO KAHN: Now is the dawn of my rule.

Raiden scoops up most of what remains of the amulet in his hand. He begins

an ancient chant as Kahn walks to his side, laughing. The amulet glows

with Raiden's signature blue lightning as the chant continues.

SHAO KAHN: Yes. Pray to the worms, Raiden. As your world ends...

As Kahn raises his hammer to smash Raiden into the ground, Raiden finishes

the prayer with the following words.

RAIDEN: He must win!

Raiden's eyes suddenly flash from red to blue and lightning sparkles from

them. Just as Kahn's hammer smashes into his skull, a blue portal of

lightning appears before the screen. Images of Raiden's past flash into


Raiden fighting Taven.

Raiden speaking with the alliance of Quan Chi, Shao Kahn, Onaga and Shang

Tsung made just before Armageddon.

Raiden reanimating Liu Kang's body.

Raiden fighting with the Deadly Alliance against Onaga.

Raiden fighting the Deadly Alliance.

Raiden telling Earthrealm's warriors (Jax, Kung Lao, Frost, Johnny Cage,

Sub-Zero and Sonya Blade) of the Deadly Alliance.

Sub-Zero bowing before Raiden.

Jax and Sonya opening a portal to Outworld with Raiden watching.

Raiden holding Liu Kang's body.

Raiden forcing up a lightning shield against energy blasts from Shinnok.

Liu Kang in a fighting stance before a beaten Shao Kahn in front of an

Outworld portal.

Tarkatan warriors and gigantic monsters laying waste to a pile-up of cars

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